
About Photofocus

Photography is a beautiful medium. It allows people to capture moments in time for the purpose of keeping, documenting, sharing, protecting and story telling. Regardless of the type of photography you choose to focus on,  Photofocus is here as a helpful and educational resource for the aspiring and professional photographer. Our goal is to assist in your success as an artist.  Photofocus only provides content from the most accomplished photographers, unique artists and recognized business leaders in the photo industry. We’re here to make sure our audience gains insight into original and educational content from our team of experts, authors and guest contributors.

Photofocus also partners with some of the greatest vendors in the photography space to provide you with informative tools, gear and other products you need to succeed. With up-to-date product reviews, training videos, informative podcasts and inspirational content, we want to fuel your passion with information on the best products around.

Product reviews

We love to provide our audience with reviews of photo and video related products. If you would like a review, please read our review guidelines and submit your product or service for consideration.

Sponsors & educational collaboration

We are constantly looking for powerful products and businesses to partner with to provide the best educational resources for the Photofocus  audience. If you want to reach an information-hungry, loyal, international audience of photography enthusiasts, join the Photofocus team of experts to back the power of your brand. We welcome new partners and have details here about advertising, sponsorship and collaboration for those who believe their products and brand can provide value to the Photofocus audience.


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  • Spam or other attempts to market products not promoted on this site
  • Attacks on our sponsors, our staff or anyone else
  • Argumentative, pedantic or otherwise unhelpful

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